July 2019 Quarterly Tournament Results!
posted by Will on July 23, 2019
Once again another amazing Quarterly with another awesome turnout, this time of 68 people! We all know though, there can only be one winner read more to figure out who took it down!
After navigating their way through a 68 person field 10 remained at our final table, and to put it simply, there was no lack of talent. 10 Back Door Poker veterans pitted against each other for the right to call them self champion, not to mention to take home the BIG CASH PRIZE of $500 CASH! When 8 had gone, there stood only two, Tom Bradshaw and Andre Brown. Both players no strangers to big finishes or final tables decided to play it out in 1 hand after chopping 1st and 2nd for a WHOPPING $325 per person!!!! When the river ran out there stood our Champion Tom Bradshaw! Congratulations Tom and everyone else for their amazing run!
Here is how it ended up:
1st place – Tom Bradshaw
2nd place – Andre Brown
3rd place – James Hosebe
4th place – Mike Martin
5th place – James Valentine
6th place- Karen Bailey
7th place – Cassandra Newson
8th place – Robin Foldvik
9th place – Tim Barrett
10th place – Kathy Burman
Congrats everyone! Remember to get your points and chips cause this could be you next time!!!
About this author
Hello, im Will. I have been playing poker for 7 plus years, and have been a player/employee of Back Door Poker for almost 3 years now. I have played hold-em at most every level possible, local casinos, WSOP, home games, etc. My favorite hand is 9-10 and I do believe it is has a 100% win rate.